“Where is my chamber………”

Chamber, Chamber where is my chamber……; still a question to every woman.
Due to the lack of space her desires and many dreams died because she could not get fair chances. These things are also well defined in “A room of her own in (1929) by virginia woolf”. It is a long essay but it’s a perfect piece of art that explained about condition and conditioning of woman. It is well explored work that can also tell you that how women and girls are not given equal chance because they are female as a female they need to perform daily house hold. And if they get time, they must learn the kind of things that could help them in house holds and to make them learn the thing that they don’t want to learn.
Wherever we are living it is not important but how do we live and enjoy life is matters. We are human, we are living on earth, we have daily routine and responsibilities but there are difference in women’s and men’s works and responsibilities. Every man get Sunday but women why can’t she off her duty? Why she is not given a room, room to be relaxed, to be calm, to enjoy her own company?
I could not forget the video that I watched on youtube. I was moved by the video. It was a short story on a working woman, it does not mean that she is preforming house holds only but she was also working in an office but she was also doing her house holds. After doing all her duty she went to her office. She came back from her office in the evening before her husband but she rather to get relaxed she started to work on her evening duties. As her husband came back from office she was there to serve him with a glass of water. The husband was free. He has time to relaxed because he went to his office but why his wife has all the responsibilities on her?. Even though she has to cook dinner, office work etc, even she is not treated well. It was far beyond her bearingness when she was made not to pursue her interest of dance. Then she started to continue Bharatnatyam. It is not her space but it is something that makes pher happy.
Do not imposed gender based restriction. So stop treating them as a toys. Give them their own space women are not make to work the whole day and a playing toy at night. They have dreams, qualities, skills….. let them to learn, let them to be achieved what they want, let them to enjoy, let them to be in their space because it is their rights. They deserve it. If you don’t give them space, they will make their own a roomy room because they deserve and if they can handle many things while running a house so they can also treat well theirselves too.
